Foundation Teaching and Learning News 2023



Werribee Zoo Excursion 

This week, the Foundation students embarked on their first school excursion to Werribee Zoo. Our journey started on a school bus, and we were very excited as this was the first time for some of us. When we arrived at the zoo, we walked around the Australian Animal Trail. We then participated in the Habitat Heroes program, uncovering how living things grow, change, and survive in nature. We even saw baby wallabies eating their favorite food.

Afterwards, we went on the safari bus and saw many animals 

such as giraffes, rhinos, zebras, and hippos. It was an amazing day at the zoo, filled with exciting discoveries and unforgettable experiences.

Leila FA- I liked going on the safari bus with my friends.

Ayoub FA- I liked seeing the giraffes and going on the safari bus.

Roxana FB- I liked seeing the baby zebras.

Avesta FB- I liked seeing the wallabies and seeing them jump.

Musa FC- I loved the safari bus and seeing the baby giraffes.

Ada FC- I liked seeing the lion cub and the cheetah.


In Foundation, the students have been investigating capacity and mass with hands-on activities. They roamed around their classrooms, selecting different objects to find out which objects are the heaviest. Students then recorded their findings. They also had a fun time in the sandpit, exploring capacity by experimenting with containers of various sizes and filling them with sand to find out how much each container could hold.


Foundation Pyjama Breakfast


On Friday, October 13, the Foundation students enjoyed a delicious breakfast together. The students were excited and came dressed in their pyjamas and brought along their favourite teddies to watch a movie with. We also danced and created a craft teddy. It was great to see students showing independence by getting themselves organised for the school day. 



In Foundation, we have been actively exploring Procedural Writing. Students enthusiastically participated in the procedure process by making fairy bread and writing the steps that they followed to make the bread. The fairy bread was very yum and we did some great writing! We also incorporated activities such as crafting animal corner bookmarks and creating kites. This has provided ongoing opportunities for students to further develop their writing skills by recording the steps they followed.



In Foundation A, we have been actively engaged in learning to recognize and model numbers up to 10. We have been identifying dot formations (known as subitising) and explaining our reasoning behind it. We also have been sharing and exploring various ways to make numbers and understanding the concept of part-part-whole relationships to create numbers up to 10. We have participated in a variety of hands-on experiences aimed at modelling and representing numbers in various ways.




In Foundation B, we have had fun learning about 2D shapes! We incorporated some reading into maths and read our favourite Mr Men books. We then got to make our own Mr Men shapes and they look great!



In Foundation C, over the last few weeks we have been learning all about our 2D shapes. We have enjoyed exploring 2D shapes by grouping, sorting, drawing and creating characters using 2D shapes. 


Inquiry Learning and Water Safety


The Foundation students have been learning about ‘The Changing World’ and how things change and grow over time. Students made their own bean plant and have been recording their observations over the last few weeks. Foundation grades also have their own ‘Sea Monkey’ pets that they are enjoying watching grow and change. This week we had Life Saving Victoria come visit and students learnt how to be safe around water.




Personal and Social Capabilities and Education Week


In Foundation, students engage in exciting ‘Learning Through Play’ experiences. They develop their social, emotional skills and develop positive relationships with peers through play experiences. Students build upon their collaborative skills, communicate and problem solve by participating in imaginative play, creating new objects, dressing up in costumes and making up games.



Anzac Day and Literacy

In Foundation, we learnt about the importance of ANZAC day. We read a story called ‘Anzac Ted’ and discussed how Anzac Ted was brave like our soldiers. The Foundation students then created their own Anzac Ted. This week we have been learning about the letter ‘O’ sound and met a new character, Oscar the Octopus. We made our own octopus and we have been learning what a fact is and writing facts about octopuses.



Term One highlights 

Foundation: The Foundation students have completed their very first term of school. They have enjoyed learning, discovering new things and forming new friendships. They have participated in many fun learning experiences, such as making Milo Milk, creating funny food faces and meeting new characters that introduce our letter sounds. We celebrated the end of term by having a foundation picnic outside. Congratulations Foundation students on a great start to your school journey.




In Foundation A we have been developing our understanding of length and measurement through fun and interactive activities. Students chose different pictures to measure, for example, a whale, cupcake, carrot and ice cream and measured the length using materials such as blocks and gems. We used our careful counting skills while measuring along the black line on our pictures. We then recorded our answers and shared with a partner how long our pictures were.



In Foundation B, we have been improving our subitising skills, by recognising the number of dots when we see them. We have been playing fun games together and have been great learners!



In Foundation C we have been learning lots of new fun maths games. We have been learning to play estimate and check which helps us to estimate and count. We also had a subitising station which allows us to recognise dots instantly without counting the number of dots shown.



Inquiry Learning 


In Foundation, our Inquiry Topic for this term is ‘Shaping our Identity’. In Week 7, we made ‘Identity Bags’, decorated them and took them home to fill them up with things that represent our identity. Some things included in the bags were our favourite colour, toy, food or sport. We shared with our classmates the items we put in our bag and what they mean to us.


Personal and Social Learning 

In Foundation we have been learning about the Zones of Regulation. We spoke about the different coloured zones and how we might feel in these zones. We created a zones area where students will be able to express and share how they are feeling and why. Foundation students also had the opportunity to colour monsters to express what coloured zone they were in. They also drew a picture showing how they feel in each zone.




Getting to know our Buddies 

Foundation & Grade 4


Last week our buddy program began, Foundation students were allocated a grade 4 buddy to be a familiar face when they are feeling a little unsure and help support them in the yard. We have been getting to know one another and having picnic lunches together. The grade 4 students have been great role models to our Foundation students.