Avondale Primary School is located in Avondale Heights, situated 12 kilometres north-west of Melbourne’s CBD. The school opened in 1961 with enrolments progressively increasing to the current 2023 figure of 443 students with approximately 25% of students speaking a language other than English at home.
Avondale Primary School; a community that strives for excellence through high quality learning, engagement and wellbeing is our School Vision. We promote an inclusive environment in which every student feels safe, happy, engaged and motivated to excel in their learning. The Victorian Curriculum underpins student learning, engagement and wellbeing and is the focus of our PLCs. Our PLCs plan consistent, rigorous student learning experiences using data to drive this planning. This year has seen the implementation of Respectful Relationships across the school and the continued focus on ensuring a Child Safe and positive and environment through School Wide Positive Behaviours approach.In 2024 we have 32 teaching staff and 19 educational support staff employed at our school. Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) are supported by the School Improvement Team (Principal, Assistant Principal. Leading Teacher and Learning Specialists). Specialist teachers include LOTE (AUSLAN), Science, Physical Education and The Arts (Visual & Performing) alongside our Tutor Learning Initiative staff and Intervention teacher. We value the expertise and experience all staff members bring to our school. We are committed to their development with Professional Learning offered in student achievement, wellbeing, engagement and leadership. Staff are provided with opportunities to participate in peer observation, mentoring and induction programs. There are nine grades in Foundation - Grade 2 and eleven grades in Grades 3 - 6. We encourage and promote lifelong learning through student voice and agency.
We are an accredited school under DE's International Student Program and implement the Marrung Aboriginal Education Plan to support the engagement, attendance, wellbeing and achievement of our Koorie learners.
Avondale Primary School acknowledges the importance of strong relationships with families and the broader school community and their value as partners in learning. We have an active School Council that meets eight times each year, extended by a number of sub committees, including Finance and Education. Parents and carers are encouraged to participate in school governance and policy development.We have recently seen the completion of the capital works program, at the forefront of the Education State reforms, providing students and teachers across Victoria with 21st century learning facilities. Across the school we have four Learning Communities:* Learning Community 1: 8 classrooms, shared and outdoor learning spaces and a staff shared space* Learning Community 2: 4 classrooms, shared and outdoor learning spaces, an Art room, a Multipurpose/Science room and a staff shared space* Administration Building: foyer and front admin office, staff offices, conference and meeting rooms and staff room* Learning Community 3: Canteen and Multipurpose rooms* Learning Community 4: 7 classrooms, LOTE classroom and staff shared spaces - this space also includes two portables that are being used for Performing Arts
FacilitiesThe grounds are secure, with a range of active and passive areas, including grassed areas, a modern adventure playground for students covered by shade sails, down ball courts, basketball court, a sand pit and student vegetable garden, Futsal court and a passive grassed area with tables and chairs.