At Avondale Primary, we believe that the education of our students is a partnership between home and school and parents are encouraged to actively participate in their child's education.
As part of our commitment to continuous improvement in our approach to child safety and wellbeing we will be running a volunteer induction session in Week 4, Term 3 online via WebEx. All volunteers at Avondale Primary School are required to hold a current Working with Children Check Clearance and attend a volunteer induction session. This includes canteen helpers, classroom helpers etc. More information to be provided in our next newsletter.
The implementation of the school's philosophy to develop each student is enhanced by an active and supportive community.
All parent helpers are required to sign in at the school office and abide by our Child Safety Code of Conduct. Avondale Primary School requires all volunteers/ parent helpers to hold a current Working With Children Check Clearance (WWCC) and attend a school run Child Safety and OHS volunteer induction session. These are held once per term. Click here for more information on how to appy for a Working With Children Check. Department guidelines and policy are available using the following link:
Suitability Checks for School Volunteers and Visitors DET
Areas of ParticipationParents are encouraged to participate in a wide range of areas including:
Education CommitteeThe Education Sub-committee plays a very important role in advising Council on policy development and the evaluation of educational programs. Parents are welcome to seek membership or visit meetings of the sub-committee.
Teachers report regularly to the committee on the implementation of Literacy and Numeracy programs and consult the committee regarding curriculum initiatives. This is a very valuable way for interested parents to gain detailed knowledge of curriculum goals and program evaluation. The committee meets at an agreed time every month before reporting to school council.
Fundraising CommitteeThe Fundraising Committee is a group of enthusiastic and caring parents committed to involving the whole school community in the continual advancement of the quality of students’ education.
It aims to raise monies to purchase facilities which enhance the school’s facilities and educational programs. The committee meets monthly at a time convenient to members.
Its ability to be successful and effective is directly related to the amount of support it receives from the parent community. Everyone is welcome.
Canteen Committee or volunteering in the canteen.
Canteen Parents Perspective
We started volunteering in the canteen 4 years ago when our eldest kids were in Prep. It felt daunting having never worked in a canteen environment before but we were both genuinely surprised at how much we enjoyed it. So much so, 4 years on and we are still volunteering.
The canteen provides a fantastic opportunity to meet other parents/ grandparents. You can also get to know kids from different grades whilst making a valuable contribution to the school. The children love having a free lunch when we are there – one of the benefits! It is also incredibly rewarding! Seeing the smile on your son/ daughter’s face when you are there is one of the best things about it!
Di (who runs the canteen) is extremely welcoming and friendly – always greets you with a smile. She finds roles for everyone so if you don’t want to handle the money, you don’t have to. You could prepare the food, make toasted sandwiches, check the orders, put the labels on the drinks and snacks, the list is endless! It is really flexible as well – you only need to volunteer once a month on either a Monday/ Thursday or Friday just for a couple of hours if that’s all you can do or alternatively for the day. Any help is gratefully received!
If you are worried you cannot attend the training session or complete a Working with Children Check on the days specified, just contact the office/ Jenna Heywood and they can make an alternative arrangement. The WWC is really easy and quick to do all as it can be completed in the school with Jenna’s guidance.
We would both encourage anyone who has spare time on any of those days to volunteer, it is a great way to support and feel part of the school community. It really is fun and sociable for you and makes your kids really happy! Don’t hesitate, speak to the office today!
Isabelle & Karena
The Canteen Committee meets each term to oversee the running of the canteen and then reports to school council.
School Council
Avondale Primary School declare elected the following nominees who nominated in the school council parent and school employee category. Click here to view a copy of the official notification form to the the school community: Form 1- Form 2
- Lana Van Raay- April Ratkovic- Sharon McDonagh
- Trevor Harrison- Sarah Carroll(DE)
2024 President - Isabelle Sawtell
2024 Vice President- Scott Cameron
2024 Treasurer- Lana Van Raay
School Councils are constituted as legal bodies under State Legislation and represent the Crown. The School Council is a representative body of elected parent and teacher members who provide the governance for the school’s policies, financial and curriculum operations.
Avondale School Council currently comprises eight parents, two elected staff, the Principal as an ex officio voting member and one co-opted member. The Council also has the power to co-opt up to two members from time to time if it wishes to use their particular expertise or have a specific interest group represented.
Council members are elected for a two-year term, with half the positions becoming vacant each year, thus allowing for continuity of membership. Parent members must have a child attending the school. Parents are encouraged to stand for Council at election time.
Parents and members of the wider community are most welcome to contact any member of the council to discuss any matters of concern or interest.
Council meets a minimum of eight times a year, currently on the third Tuesday of each month, at 6.30pm in the staff room. Members of the school community are most welcome to attend as observer.
Participation in subcommittees is a fantastic way to be involved in the school and we welcome anyone who is interested. The subcommittees are:
The dates for these meetings will be shared through Compass this If you would like to be involved, please email the school