Active involvement of parents in an educational partnership with the school assists in developing an educational program that closely reflects the expectations of the community.
First School Council Meeting
The First School Council Meeting held after the election poll provides an opportunity for a presentation of the Annual Report to the school community by the School Council President and the Principal on the school’s activities throughout the previous year.
This communication app allows the school to instantly communicate important messages and reminders with members of the school community. Other important information such as the school calendar, recording of student absences, and making payments are also accessible via the app. Please ensure that you have downloaded the app via iTunes or Play Store and logged in using your unique family username and password.
Information Nights/ Presentations
Information Nights are held for various year levels and programs throughout the year and are arranged as necessary to meet current needs. Information nights are not to discuss particular students, but rather to discuss a particular area of the curriculum and school events.
Start of Year - February. Information Presentations are held for each year level early in Term 1. These evenings give parents the opportunity to meet their child’s teacher and learn more about the programs that will be implemented during the year.
Parent Teacher Conferences (twice per year)
Teachers meet with each parent to discuss their child’s report and academic and social progress. These interviews are booked using Compass.
Parents Meeting Teachers
You are encouraged to contact the school to discuss matters of concern with the classroom teacher as the first point of contact, Wellbeing Coordinator, Assistant Principal or Principal (as appropriate). Click here to view a copy of our Issue Resolution policy.Please ring the school or email via Compass should you need to make an appointment.
Student Reports
Student Reports are available to parents on Compass at the end of term 2 (June- Semester 1) and term 4 (December- Semester 2) to provide parents with a progress report on the student's academic and social development against the Victorian Curriculum standards.
Student Support Group Meetings (SSGs)
An SSG is a partnership between schools, parents/carers, the student and relevant agencies. The group works together to plan and support the educational, health, social, cultural and emotional wellbeing of students with diverse learning needs. This may include students:
Fortnightly School Newsletter
Our fortnightly school Newsletter includes a calendar of upcoming events and reminders, a celebration of teaching and learning activities across the school, special school and community events. It is published every second Friday and distributed via Compass and the school website.
Avondale Primary School uses the Flexibuzz app to communicate with our families. Parents are asked to download the app to receive weekly newsletters and important reminders about upcoming events. To download the app, choose an option below.